Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Final Frontier

It's been a while since the big night but I needed to give it a little time to settle in, not to mention some time to get caught up on life. Last Thursday was a busy day and when I finally got dressed to go, it was just another thing on my to do list. First, I ran around the office showing all my friends and taking some pictures. Here are a few of me doing regular office things:

The whole experience was so much more than I expected. One thing I didn't include in my blog post from the theater was I met this guy who wrote the book Captain Kirk's Guide to Women and he gave me a copy of his book! Maybe because I was one of the few females there, he also pointed me and my costume out to the rest of the theater and everyone was looking at me! I was a little embarrassed but isn't this the attention that I was hoping for after all of my hard work? It felt really good. Later, on my way back from the ladies' room, a rando kid asked to take a picture with me! This sparked the celebrity-like photos with my co-workers at the bar...

Now that it is all over, I can reflect on the experience. When I decided to make this dress I didn't think it would very difficult or even a big deal. It seemed like a fun little project and a cool story to talk about. I had high expectations of the my finished product so I am still not that impressed with myself because I know I could have done better (especially had I not stagnated on the sleeves for so long).

I would like to continue sewing, especially when I go shopping and I see simple skirts and dresses that would probably be easier than what I made. I'm also hoping to utilize my new sewing machine for Halloween costumes, 80's party costumes and Bay to Breakers Costumes! By next week I will be doing something else that will be my big story to tell but right now, this is my "so get this..."

News Clip

Here is the video of me on the news. My coworker, Tim Matta, taped it with his iPhone (I didn't even know they could do that...)

I'm on for about three seconds but it's still pretty awesome!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This is it!!

I am here, in the theater, in my awesome dress! I will tell the tale of finishing it later and post tons of pics but I AM HERE! I made it just in time to be taped for the news with two other people. Everyone is so friendly and happy and digging my outfit. I walked the line and there were a total of 4 of us dressed up. I am the only girl and only one in the new uniform, all others are in the old.

Listening in on people's conversations is so entertaining, for example: "For the past year I've been trying to stay alive so I can make it to this night". One guy stood on his chair to announce he was "proud of all of us". It was all worth it. Thank you everyone for your support through this process! I don't know if I could have done it without the support of all my awesome friends. Specifically, I would like to thank the following people for their dedication to this project (in alphabetical order): Cate, Evan, Kaite, Kevin and Max. You're the best!

Such a Mess

Thank you, Max Page, for texting me at 6:30 because without your message I would have slept through the morning and missed all last minute revision opportunities. I got to work right away. I had to finish the lining that was half attached and do all the hems.

About twice a year I have to be to work by 9 and unfortunately today was one of those days. I was a power sewer! I cut some corners but this was not time to care about details... maybe I shouldn't have cut so many corners because I did the back bottom hem backwards! Blurg! in an effort to fix it, I made the dress even shorter and still didnt fix the hem. rush rush rush... sew sew sew... and I ran out of bobbin thread! I didn't have time to wind another one... so I used white thread. I wasn't pulling the pins out so I was afraid of breaking the needle but there was no time!

I think I used too much fabric for the liner so now I just have a big, lumpy, red, sack. No time to try it on so I tossed it in my bag along with my scissors and thread just in case I have some extra time at work today. I tore apart my room to find the black T-shirt that I am wearing underneath the dress, realizing that the extra layer will probably make my sack look even MORE bunchy.

I didn't expect it to turn out great but at what point is it un-wearable? Will people be able to tell what it is? In addition to looking like a nerd, will I also look like a fool? I am considering backing out...but what about step 9?

A Thought

The interesting thing about sewing is that no matter how many hours you put into it, it only takes a second to ruin.

To Do:

-Make badge
-Hem bottom of the dress
-Line dress or find something to wear underneath
-Eat sandwich
-Tack collar


I skipped cinco celebrations in order to get down to business and it was worth it; the dress was pretty much made on Tuesday night. My roommate's sister Margo was over when I got home and she reassured me about working with the silk fabric. I was worried that if I tried too many iterations I would snag it. She said it would be quite forgiving, and it was.

I took a great deal of time to pin on the sleeves using my muslin template but once I sewed them it was worth it. It looked great! I was surprised it happened so fast. Fast as a relative term to last night because honestly, it still took me quite a while.

The fabric was so helpful and the dress looked great. My hobbit fingers snagged it a little but nothing detrimental. I needed to make the finishing touches then I was ready for the show!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It has come to my attention that I only know two cool people: Eric and Max as they are the only people who want to go to the movie with me. In all of the frantic commotion to get tickets I bought four and I have an extra. I have been trying to sell it on craigslist but I'm not really good at that sort of thing so I've been checking in all day to see the competition.

This afternoon, I found someone selling a ticket to tonight's show with John Cho! I emailed him and he never got back to me.

Later, I found an even better offer: I have two tickets to a pre-screening for Star Trek for tonight at 7:30. But unfortunately I couldn't make it, aghhhh. All you trekies must understand how..shitty this is..that i can't go lol. Anyways I will give the tickets for BEST OFFER OR FREE! Also add why you think you should have it! Best reason wins!

So I responded, with shaking hands: I should have these tickets because I am so obsesses with this movie! I am making an Uhura costume to wear to the movie (I pulled an all-nighter last night to have it in time for Thursday)! I am writing a blog about my costume adventures… http://sogetthisblog.blogspot.com/

I think I got to this person too late because I never heard back and I can't imagine anyone having a better reason than me. Or using more exclamation points! At least I still have Thursday.

One large coffee later...

I'm having fun and enjoying the project but realistically it might not get done.
I can handle that. No tears this time like over my last Halloween costume.

I think my problem is that I'm trying to make it too symmetrical and spending a lot of time on little things. I made a pretty solid muslin dress but now I have to go through the same process with the real thing. The fabric will be more forgiving but it will also snag more easily. I have enough for two attempts.

The books I got last night were of little help. Neither was a good reference guide on sleeves or collars and I didn't have the patience to read the full tutorial.

Taking a work break for a little bit then I'm back at it tonight!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Crunch time - literally!

This post is coming from NYSC. Due to the current work-out competition in place, physical fitness is of critical importance. I didn't expect to be at work so late otherwise I would have gone in the morning.

I went to Mood today with a co-worker and got fabric! It's got a great texture and color, the only problem is that it's a little sheer. If I don't have the time or knowledge to line it I will just buy a little tank dress to wear underneath. It's fairly stretchy so I didn't get a zipper. I did get a fabric scissor and some matching thread.

I didn't get a pattern from Mood because I don't think they sell them and I decided to get a book instead, hopefully the book will offer some advice on my fitting issues. I got out of work just in time to make it to Borders at Penn station before they closed (although B&N at lincoln center is open till midnight I don't have time to be running all over town).

I would like to make some good progress tonight so that I can celebrate the 5th of May tomorrow and kickball on Wednesday. I may be aggressively optimistic but I also subscribe to the belief that sleep is a crutch.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Whole Story

You may be wondering, much like my friend Trent, "what movie requires a homemade dress?"

That movie is Star Trek. I prefer Next Gen as a series but for movies, nothing beats the originals. My personal favorite is Star Trek IV where they go back in time because my family once made a trip to see the whale in the movie.

I've been looking forward to this movie for at least a year. It was originally going to be released in December 2008 and they pushed it back in order to avoid the competitive holiday season. If you ask me they should have released it because it would have whomped on every other movie but I'm a biased.

Since I was sooo excited for the movie, I wanted to do something to show that I wasn't just another movie-goer on opening night. Also, I know this movie is going to be HUGE and I need to set myself apart from all the new Star Trek fans (I would like to point out that I am not nor at any time have been a Trekkie). Obv I would be going to the earliest possible showing but I wasn't going to fly to Europe to watch it at an earlier time like we did for Star Wars. I decided to dress up as Uhura, the main (and only) female in Star Trek. I found the costume online at a number of sites but none were available. I assumed they were sold out so I started calling around to put in a back order.

Turns out the costume wasn't available yet! I began calling on a daily basis because no one knew when they would be getting it in. I rotated the retailers I called so I didn't seem super crazy. I built a relationship with one of them who gave me the phone number of the manufacturer. Yes! I called to see when it would come in and they said they had no idea. They didn't think it would be ready in time for the movie due to some issues with the factory. Super bummer. At that time, I made the decision to make the costume. I didn't have much time so I ordered my sewing machine that day and that's where the magic began.


After I cut the tube off of myself I started working on the sleeves. I used my MTV bar crawl t-shirt to get an idea for sleeve size. I was using the trial and error method for fitting the sleeve but I didn't want to start by pinning it because it was so tight and difficult to get on and off. I was working on this sleeve all day! Sewing it on, putting on the dress, taking it off and re-adjusting. I lengthened the stitch so that I could rip it out easier.

While telling my roommate Kaite about my plan of attack, I realized it would be immensely easier to use a pattern. Duh. If I don't have a good template by tomorrow, I'm going to buy a pattern. I was hoping to be a lot further a long by T-3 but I have to pull a costume related all nighter then that is what I shall do.

I feel as if today was unproductive even though I worked on it all day. The only thing I accomplished was watching many hours of Hannah Montana.

Rainy Day is Good for Sewing

Agenda today: make a dress prototype. I need to run up to midtown to exchange the purple shoes so I will try to do a little fabric shopping if anything is open. I also need sewing scissors.

I started by tracing this grey dress I have because it has a similar cut to what I need to make. I skipped a bunch of steps and just cut out the muslin in the shape of the dress. I'm going to make the sleeves as separate pieces so now I'm working on the main piece.

After quickly sewing it together I put it on... I wish someone was here to see it because I was completely stuck and it was probably funny. I'm pretty surprised it didn't rip. I finally got it over my stupid right shoulder. Looking good! It's not quite easy to breathe while wearing but I will be using a stretchier fabric for the real thing. Here is a pic! I should have used a longer timer on the camera so I had time to pose but whatever.

So here I am, still wearing the tube. I'm pretty sure I have to cut it off of myself. I also think I need to add a zipper.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Made Something

The other day, I packed my straightener in my gym bag in case I decided to go out from the gym. Later, I noticed that it was co-mingling with my keys. What if it got scratched!?! It may not have the same environmental impact of scratching a non-stick pan but it could have an impact on my hair. I needed to get one of those little pouches for it.

FF to today and I want to practice my sweet, sweet, sewing skills so I make a little pouch for my straightener out of the extra muslin (I got double what I needed for practicing purposes). It may not be pretty but i did it! I need to remember to make things big enough to fit around the little arm thing of the machine. It's not easy to sew something in a circle if it's not around the sleeve.

P.S. I've made a huge mistake...the email from the costume shop: I didn't actually read it before; I just read the subject line. Just now I read it and they were saying they WEREN'T going to get it in time. problem solved and lesson learned. Super doi. In a way I am relieved because I know I'm still on the right track! But still, how considerate of them. I recommend costumecraze.com for future costume needs.

The Good, the Bad and the Undecided News

The good news: I did it! Piece of cake, I sewed some stuff, made a seam, even a little zig-zag action. I was going to make a little mini dress for me to carry in my purse to how people when my tennis friend Johanna called. Since I'm a sewing pro I figured I could spare a couple hours in order to increase the amortization of my tennis permit.

The bad news: I realized that the movie is the same time as my co-worker's happy hour. Missing the HH for a movie is a bad excuse but I have put a lot into this. I also looked for tickets to the later show on craigslist and no-go. I hope he understands.

The undecided news: Whilst on the bus, I got an email from one of the costume shops I stalked and the dress is in stock!! What is a girl to do? I think making this dress would be a lot of fun but I also know it will probably look less than professional. And it might be a lot of stress the next couple days. But maybe not. Ahhhhh

Lace it Up

Friday was a big night. My plan was to wind a bobbin and thread the machine. I left work early, went to my favorite spin class then came home to get to work. I got out my trusty instruction book that I have been taking EVERYWHERE and reviewed the directions on winding a bobbin. It was so cool! and easy! 2 minutes - done. Then I threaded the machine. The threading was an issue for me when sewing as a youth so I was a little nervous. Luckily Maggie has a picture of how to thread the machine on her and I had the instructions. easy! 2 minutes - done! I did not anticipate this going so well. I pulled up the bobbin thread and I was ready to roll. Since I was so efficient with the threading I wanted to try to sew a little bit but then I had to get ready for Meghan's sushi sake karaoke birthday party so I decided to save it for Saturday.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Supplies and Shoes

Last night I had plans to go to a kick-off/meet and greet party for our summer share so I was hoping to run home and lace up Maggie before going out. I didn't leave work early enough to make it to Panda Thread before they closed so I did a quick run through the garmet district. Turns out the whole place closes shop around 7PM. I decided to see if Kmart at Penn Station had any thread being that they are a home goods discount retailer. I also had the idea to check out the dollar store but that would be a last resort. On the way to Kmart, I walked by the shoe store that had some really cute blue shoes in the window and I've been in the market for just that color. Turns out they were too narrow for my sasquatch feet but I did pick up some really cute pink and purple peep toe shoes with a T-strap.

Kmart had one thread option; exactly what I needed! I got a normal sized spool at the price of $2 but maybe it's better that I don't have a lifetime supply. I got home too late to fire up the machine and I also realized that I already have a pair or purple peep toe shoes. I didn't wear the shoes out like I had originally planned because I am going to exchange them for yellow ones. I also took a wine roadie in a travel coffee mug on the bus. I guess I could have waited until today to get the big thread but I'm over it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Thread Story

If I lived anywhere else in the country, I would go to Jo-Ann Fabrics, pick up a spool of thread and be done with it. But I don’t and I am overwhelmed by options. I am looking for thread at the same places that service the garment district sweat shops and Suzy home-makers alike (if they exist here). Considering I don’t know what I want, less selection would be better.

My mission today: Plain thread for practicing. Since I’m not ready to pick out the fabric for my final masterpiece, I’m definitely not ready to pick out the thread. Prior to today’s lunch time shopping trip, I did some light research on the best place for materials. The problem with comparing fabric and craft stores is that it is very difficult to understand which ones are “cheap” and which ones are “expensive” because there are no control items. I could create my own market basket of goods consisting of needles, patterns and buttons but fabric is a variable and due to the volume and selection available its value is subjective. Based on internet queries, I indentified some stores I wanted to check out for their selection and pricing. The first store I went to had no thread. Rarely do the googles lie to me but when they do I find it to be a betrayal of my trust. On the other hand, I think I found a “cheap” fabric store.

On the way to the next store on my list, conveniently named PANDA THREAD I made an unplanned stop to another thread store with lots of fancy colors in the window. Once I entered the store, however, I found one rack of thread and rows of those mannequin things like the one in this picture with buster. That was creepy so I left.

Next I went to the Panda Thread shop. Less creepy but all the spools were humongous! I asked a nice man behind the counter for some cheap basic white thread and he handed me a spool the size of my arm. I told him I wanted something smaller and he explained it was the smallest they had but it was $2. What a bargain! Similar to jars of spices and bottles of perfume, I don’t know if it’s possible to use up this entire thing even if I used it every day. I’m sure it’s not the best quality but neither is my handiwork so who am I to judge.

I then realized I didn’t have my wallet so I went back to work and will return to Panda Thread this evening. I would like to note that every store I have been to in the garment district has had friendly staff and provided good customer service.

This One's for Jessica

I got up some muslin from Mood (thank you, Mood!) yesterday but I didn't get thread so in order to keep this process moving forward, I decided to read the manual before bed last night. I made it 12 pages deep and I can already visualize myself hunched over Maggie, the Magnolia, late at night smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. I stopped when I got to the part about threading the machine because I didn't have the machine with me in bed. Today after my delicious lunch at Just Salad, I am going to pick up thread so that I can fill up some bobbins tonight. I will also pick up a birthday card for my friend Rebecca and a Mother's day card for my moms.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Step 9: Never Give Up Your Dreams

I need a dress to wear to a movie on May 7th and the store won't have it until June. It seems like the only way to solve this problem is to buy a sewing machine, learn to sew, create a pattern, find fabric and just make the dress. My new sewing machine, The Janome 7312 "Magnolia" arrived today. This is happening.