Sunday, May 3, 2009


After I cut the tube off of myself I started working on the sleeves. I used my MTV bar crawl t-shirt to get an idea for sleeve size. I was using the trial and error method for fitting the sleeve but I didn't want to start by pinning it because it was so tight and difficult to get on and off. I was working on this sleeve all day! Sewing it on, putting on the dress, taking it off and re-adjusting. I lengthened the stitch so that I could rip it out easier.

While telling my roommate Kaite about my plan of attack, I realized it would be immensely easier to use a pattern. Duh. If I don't have a good template by tomorrow, I'm going to buy a pattern. I was hoping to be a lot further a long by T-3 but I have to pull a costume related all nighter then that is what I shall do.

I feel as if today was unproductive even though I worked on it all day. The only thing I accomplished was watching many hours of Hannah Montana.

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