Thursday, May 7, 2009

Such a Mess

Thank you, Max Page, for texting me at 6:30 because without your message I would have slept through the morning and missed all last minute revision opportunities. I got to work right away. I had to finish the lining that was half attached and do all the hems.

About twice a year I have to be to work by 9 and unfortunately today was one of those days. I was a power sewer! I cut some corners but this was not time to care about details... maybe I shouldn't have cut so many corners because I did the back bottom hem backwards! Blurg! in an effort to fix it, I made the dress even shorter and still didnt fix the hem. rush rush rush... sew sew sew... and I ran out of bobbin thread! I didn't have time to wind another one... so I used white thread. I wasn't pulling the pins out so I was afraid of breaking the needle but there was no time!

I think I used too much fabric for the liner so now I just have a big, lumpy, red, sack. No time to try it on so I tossed it in my bag along with my scissors and thread just in case I have some extra time at work today. I tore apart my room to find the black T-shirt that I am wearing underneath the dress, realizing that the extra layer will probably make my sack look even MORE bunchy.

I didn't expect it to turn out great but at what point is it un-wearable? Will people be able to tell what it is? In addition to looking like a nerd, will I also look like a fool? I am considering backing out...but what about step 9?

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