Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Whole Story

You may be wondering, much like my friend Trent, "what movie requires a homemade dress?"

That movie is Star Trek. I prefer Next Gen as a series but for movies, nothing beats the originals. My personal favorite is Star Trek IV where they go back in time because my family once made a trip to see the whale in the movie.

I've been looking forward to this movie for at least a year. It was originally going to be released in December 2008 and they pushed it back in order to avoid the competitive holiday season. If you ask me they should have released it because it would have whomped on every other movie but I'm a biased.

Since I was sooo excited for the movie, I wanted to do something to show that I wasn't just another movie-goer on opening night. Also, I know this movie is going to be HUGE and I need to set myself apart from all the new Star Trek fans (I would like to point out that I am not nor at any time have been a Trekkie). Obv I would be going to the earliest possible showing but I wasn't going to fly to Europe to watch it at an earlier time like we did for Star Wars. I decided to dress up as Uhura, the main (and only) female in Star Trek. I found the costume online at a number of sites but none were available. I assumed they were sold out so I started calling around to put in a back order.

Turns out the costume wasn't available yet! I began calling on a daily basis because no one knew when they would be getting it in. I rotated the retailers I called so I didn't seem super crazy. I built a relationship with one of them who gave me the phone number of the manufacturer. Yes! I called to see when it would come in and they said they had no idea. They didn't think it would be ready in time for the movie due to some issues with the factory. Super bummer. At that time, I made the decision to make the costume. I didn't have much time so I ordered my sewing machine that day and that's where the magic began.

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