Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lace it Up

Friday was a big night. My plan was to wind a bobbin and thread the machine. I left work early, went to my favorite spin class then came home to get to work. I got out my trusty instruction book that I have been taking EVERYWHERE and reviewed the directions on winding a bobbin. It was so cool! and easy! 2 minutes - done. Then I threaded the machine. The threading was an issue for me when sewing as a youth so I was a little nervous. Luckily Maggie has a picture of how to thread the machine on her and I had the instructions. easy! 2 minutes - done! I did not anticipate this going so well. I pulled up the bobbin thread and I was ready to roll. Since I was so efficient with the threading I wanted to try to sew a little bit but then I had to get ready for Meghan's sushi sake karaoke birthday party so I decided to save it for Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm already feeling impatient. I want to see this dress now!
